Elquintopoder (TheFifthPower). It is a digital community open to the debate that promotes civic engagement, channelling the discussion in order for citizens and authorities to bring it to reality in practical policies.
Since 2010 elquintopoder has been an independent digital platform that enables the circulation of ideas in which citizens, through opinion columns, photographs and videos, discuss about the most diverse topical subjects, building an active and dynamic community.
From undocumented immigrants in USA, to former state ministers, through scholars, students, sportsmen and women, workers, and representatives from a variety of organizations, columnists reflect their ideas and opinions about many issues, forming a community that exceeds 120 thousand people, gathering more than 12 thousand opinion columns throughout the years.
Nowadays, when citizens are the main players in history, elquintopoder invites everybody to participate in the debate.
Strengthen civic and social organizations participation, to build – through dialogue and collective action – a community that contributes to a more democratic, active, and inclusive society.
Build a collaborative community of citizens talking about matters of common interest and impact the public space.
Develop strategies to strengthen dynamics in the community.
Consolidate political impact on citizens through elquintopoder.
Elquintopoder provides you the space no other media provides to express your opinion on anything with full freedom of speech. That is why elquintopoder is a free, inclusive, and deliberative platform
I write in elquintopoder because I firmly believe this is a space where I can rise my voice from my experience, and communicate my reality as a lesbian mother and activist to the readers.
Many thanks for the massive dissemination. I have been contacted from other media to deepen on the subject matter. You are indeed a change factor. Keep on going!!
30 thousand users registered
12 thousand columns/articles published
55 thousand comments published
150 thousand average visits to the website per month
124 thousand followers in Twitter
1 million 500 thousand views in 2015